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Medical Laboratory Techniques



General Definition / History:

Name of the Program:              Medical Laboratory Techniques

Start Date of the Education:    1991 – 1992


Establishment of the Program:

The program was started to educate within the scope of Health Care Technical Graduate School, Dokuz Eylul University in the 1991- 1992 academic year. 


Aim of the Program:


The primary aim of the Medical Laboratory Techniques Program is bringing technicians up who can make an analysis in clinical biochemistry, microbiology, pathology, molecular biology and genetic laboratories.


Content of the Program:


In the process of the Medical Laboratory Techniques Program; students take intensive lessons from basic medical sciences. As vocational lessons; Biochemistry, Microbiology, Immunology, Laboratory Methods and Calculations, Pathology, Genetic, Hematology, Endocrine are given. Also, in second term, applied education is held in the Core Laboratory of Dokuz Eylul University and Blood Center. Students take Basic English in their first class and then they start to take Vocational English lesson in their second class. Students are educated as people who are faithful to medical ethics and deontological rules, respectful to patients’ rights, psychologically and physically able to do given assignments in every condition. Students in the program do their internship assignments in the scope of Hospital Laboratory during the end of the first class as six weeks and in the end of the second class as three weeks.


Job Opportunities After Graduation:


Students will be graduated after completing occupational classes; implementations and all internships and they will be titled as Medical Laboratory Technicians.


Medical Laboratory Technicians make analysis and tests, which are appropriate technics under the control of specialists at laboratories and their scientific fields.


Collaborated Institutions:


As a necessity of the program required; Ministry of Health, Health Boards, public and private health institutions (hospitals, clinics, policlinics and laboratories, medical centers, sanitation centers, dispensaries, community health centers, public health centers, family practices. etc.), municipalities, non-governmental organizations, trade associations will be collaborated about education activities, employment opportunities and planning.


Departments Available for Vertical Transfer:


Students who are graduated from our program can apply to “Biology, Nursing, Nursing and Health Care Services” and continue their undergraduate degrees. 

1. Placed Degree: 
Health Technician

2. Level of the Degree: 
Associate Degree / Upper Secondary Education

3. Terms of Admission:  Diploma Supplement 3.3

To be graduated from departments of; Medical Vocational School Midwifery, Midwifery-Nursery, Patient and Elder Services, Nursery, Laboratory Assistant, Laboratory Services, Laboratory Technicians, Medical Assistants, Veterinarian Laboratory 

To be placed according to preference list in OSYM application result

To accept the rule of “Students who register to this program must get dressed according to the necessity of the vocation during applied lessons” which is stated in the 38th clause of the OSYM Application Form.

4. Recognition of Previous Education: 

Students who continued the same program in different university may make their taken lesson credits recognized under the permission of Head of the Program and Management of SHMYO. 

5. Qualification Requirements and Regulations: Diploma Supplement 4.2

To be graduated from the program; students should take 90 ECTS vocational and compulsory lessons, internship assignment; 30 ECTS elective lessons and complete 120 ECTS totally. Achievement score is 60 and above. Attendance is mandatory; students should attend %70 of theoretic lessons, %80 of applied lessons. Students should provide the attendance to preconditioned lessons, which are described in the Education Plan.

6. Program Profile:


In the program there are basic medical lessons such as; Physiology, Anatomy, Medical Terminology, General Biochemistry, Medical Biology and Genetic. Also, the general knowledge lessons are held. As a vocational lessons; Laboratory Chemistry and Application Materials, Laboratory Security, Quality and Accreditation in Health, Parasitology, Hematology, Medical Microbiology, Pathology, Biochemistry of Hormone, Basic Laboratory Implementations, Molecular Biological Methods, Immunological Methods and Case Study Analysis are held. Elective lessons which are placed in the Education Plan; vocational, social and cultural improvement is supported. Students do their internship assignments in DEU Hospital or other hospitals, which are approved by Head of Program (Medical School Hospital, Government Hospitals, Private Hospitals) at the helm of an anesthesia professional in hospitals’ surgery rooms. Students take Basic English lessons during their first class and than they start to take Vocational English lessons during their second class.


7. Core Outcomes of the Program: Automation


PÇ 1. Have the definitions, terms, settlements, contiguities and operations knowledge of core structure, organ and systems of human body.

PÇ 2. Have the knowledge of rules that should be followed in laboratory and laboratory security. Has the ability to identify the risks in laboratory and take precautions against them. Has the ability to create secure laboratory environment.

PÇ 3. Have the knowledge of environmental health and waste management in medical laboratory implementations. Has the ability to apply required precautions.

PÇ 4. Have the knowledge about operation and management of laboratory and ability to run implementations.

PÇ 5. Have the knowledge about devices, tools and materials that are used in laboratory. 

PÇ 6. Have the knowledge about taking and transferring patterns for medical laboratory tests and ability to apply criteria of pattern acceptation and deny; also ability to make basic tests. 

PÇ 7. Have ability to prepare samples before tests; preparing slide; using microscope; making microbiological culture. 

PÇ 8. Have the knowledge of laboratory chemistry and calculation; ability to prepare analysis solution.


PÇ 9. Have the knowledge of sterilization – disinfection and ability to applying them.


PÇ 10. Have the knowledge of the relationship between body functions, system, structure and medical laboratory tests. Has the ability to relate these results with microbial factors.


PÇ 11. Have the ability to correct errors during which may be appear during medical laboratory tests.


PÇ 12. Have the ability to use information technologies and conduct quality management processes.


PÇ 13. Have the ability to communicate effectively both in written and oral language and be able to attend teamwork easily.


PÇ 14. Have the ability to use at least one foreign language and use this language during vocational implementations.


PÇ 15. Have the ability to open mind toward new scientific and technological improvements.  

PÇ 16. Have the knowledge about patient rights, ethical and moral concepts, and rules of vocational ethics. Has the ability to perform them.


PÇ 17. Have the aim of reaching the knowledge and skill that they need to do their vocation in a correct way.


PÇ 18. Have the aim of social and cultural knowledge that they need to contribute both personal and social improvements.



8. Graduate Employment Profile: Diploma Supplement 5.2
Graduates from this program can work as a Medical Laboratory Technician in the field of Medical Laboratory.


9. Transition to Upper Degrees: Diploma Supplement 5.1

Graduates from this program may apply to OSYM Vertical Transfer Exam. In the terms of success, they may complete their undergraduate degree in “Biology, Nursery, Nursery and Health Services” programs.


10. Course Structure and Credits:


Common Obligatory, Vocational and Elective Courses are listed in program education plan. Internship assignment is obligatory. Students should attend preconditioned lessons and gain at least 50 success points. For second year internship assignment, students should complete the first year internship assignment. Internship assignments are held in the end of the 1st year as 6 weeks; in the fall semester of 2nd year as 3 weeks. Students do their internship assignments in DEU Hospital or other hospitals, which are approved by Head of Program (Medical School Hospital, Government Hospitals, Private Hospitals) at the helm of an anesthesia professional in hospitals’ surgery rooms.


11. Examinations, Assessments and Evaluations:


Evaluating students is done according to the percentages that are written on course syllabuses. According to course’s credit; theoretical, implementation, 2 intermediate exams and also assignment evaluations are made. 1 Term Exam is held. 1 Make-up Examination is held for students that are not successful in the Term Exam. If there is a statement in the course syllabus, also assignments may be evaluated during these exams. Students should take at least 60 success points from the course.


12. Graduation Requirements: Diploma Supplement 4.2


Students should complete courses and internship assignments as120 ECTS credits with success points. Passing Course System is held. According to this system, students should gain at least 60 success points over 100 points to pass the course. In Single Course Exam, passing success point is 50.


13. Conditions:


Formal Education is performed. Obligatory attendances to theoretical courses are %70; implementation courses are %80.